Summer lovin'

2:11:00 AM

Hey guys! So im back again. Well I just want to share my 2015 summer experience. Yah I know no one's interested but hell yeah this is my blog so I'll post what I want. If you don’t want to read it, then don’t. Kidding! 

Okay enough of all the jokes and rascal things. I just want to share how my summer was because I just felt like sharing, talking and typing. Hahahaha. 

Well this summer is really different for me. Unlike the previous years that gone by , now I'm allowed to go out, I’m not stuck at home doing nothing but if I'm at home, I’m busy watching my favorite anime as of now which happens to be naruto. But on the other side, I have a lot of tasks at home. You know, household chores. And yuh it really sucks. 

I got a few new hobbies this summer! And it's all about art. I just can’t believe it really happened. Because I have no passion with art. I’m not good at imagining things. I got interested with photography, architecture and web designing.

But most of all, I enjoyed my summer because I got the chance to bond with my family. Every Sunday, after we attend to church, we'll go to the mall. 

I spend the few remaining days of my summer in our province with my relatives.

And to end my summer is a photo shoot with my friend Tricia. I told Tricia that I won’t post this pictures because I'll use it in my about page. But I feel like posting it so here it is.

My hair is a bit curly. Well, It's just a result for braiding it for like 10 hours? And there's the result. Mermaid curls!

For this shoot, I wore a white plain shirt, an indigo skater skirt, maroon pumps, round sunnies, a black hat and a necklace with a heart pendant.

Speaking of candid..

Shots by Tricia Luna

So how's your summer? 
I'd love to hear from you :)
Just feel free to comment below.

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4 Thoughts

  1. Where's your province?

  2. Srsly? What happened this summer?

  3. Summer is really fun! We went to Boracay and Palawan!

  4. btw I luv ur sunnies

