Aquinas' Graduation 2015

11:39:00 AM

We went to Aquinas school to witness them graduate. It's my first time to attend a graduation. Ofcourse, except for my own graduation and my siblings'. It's my first time to attend to the graduation of my friends.

I was with my gorgeous friends.

(From left to right: Veds, barts, tricia, me & danica)

With JC Peña. We treat each other like real siblings. That's why I am really close to him. 

This candid shot is really cute. Thanks to my friends. 

With Patrick De Castro. My bestfriend. 

Aww. Bes, dont cry. We'll still see each other. I'll go ro your house often. (Lol hahaha he's not crying. I think he's wiping his sweat? )

I still have some more friends, but these two are the closest to me. 

Tho we spend a little time together, I'll surely miss these 2 niggas, because i really got close to them. 

And I wish them all the best, a good luck and a God bless while they're journeying their college life. And ofcourse, enjoy!

I'm so proud of these two. Congratulations kuya and bes!

And ofcourse, because I have insane friends, here's the result.

(From left tor right. Me, tricia, danica, barts).

Yeah, I know we're gorgeous but we really look weird here. 

Please ignore my big tummy,

Feeling titanic. Lol where' s jack?

It looks like I really wanted to play. Haha

I'm such a happy kid.

Hello summer hair!

I used bergundy red to color my hair.

So yeah, I just want to congratulate all the graduates! Keep your good work and strive harder in college. 

Happy summer xx.

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