Stop wishing, start doing

7:56:00 PM

I've been busy these past few weeks because of the exams. And finally! Exams are done! I'm free to rest and get enough sleep! I'm free to watch and read whatever I want. And now, I have time to make as many blogposts as I can.

2nd quarter is really tough for me. Maybe because I'm not really focused with my lessons this quarter. And maybe because I don't like our lessons this quarter. Circles, logarithms, physics, oh gosh my brain cells are really damaged! And I need to rest to restore them. 

I really don't know why am I talking about these things but I just want to tell you all to STUDY HARD.

Did you ever dreamed of having your own Porsche or a Mustang? Did you ever dreamed of living in a big house, more of like a mansion of your own. Or living in Malacañang someday. Did you ever dreamed of working abroad and earn hundreds of thousands or running your own business? I know we all have big dreams within ourselves and we're really wishing and praying for it to come true. 

In order to make these dreams come true, we should work hard. And it will all start in school. So whether we like it or we like it (seems like we dont have a choice tho) we should study hard. If you're lazy, then I think it's time to change your ways. Because being lazy will cause you no good. I'm not asking you to become the valedictorian in your batch but I just want to tell you to do everything you can. And to do that you need willingness and dedication. You should be willing to do everything to achieve your goal and you should be dedicated on what you're doing. 

"What if I feel sleepy? What if I want to read novels? What if i need to go to the mall to buy this, buy that?"

Like what I've said, willingness and dedication is needed to reach your dreams. If you feel bored while studying or lonely while studying or the lessons aren't sinking in your brain.

Swear its really working. Or take a shower before studying to refresh your body, mind and soul.

Always stay positive and dont think that its impossible to do this, it's impossible to do that. 

If you failed once, it's okay. It's not a reason to give up. There's always a room for improvement. 

And lastly, don't forget to pray and ask God for help and guidance.

Always remember that education is the key to success so study hard! And being Successful is the first step of your mission (from God).

Rainy afternoon to everyone! Keep safe!

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